Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kyler's FAMILY Party

On Sunday we had the family come over for dinner and dessert for Kyler. He had a blast with everyone there. Grandpa Porter gave him money...Grandma & Grandpa Nelson gave him a fun Thomas the Train set (which he has had so much fun with)...the cousins gave him a new skateboard (just his size..he told me today that Rayce was trying to teach him some tricks on it but they were just too hard! Rayce is awesome on the skateboard!) and Grandma Martin took him shopping on Saturday so that he could get "gator golf" which he really wanted. Thanks everyone for coming and helping us celebrate Kyler's 4th birthday! Kyler is awesome...we wouldn't know what to do without him...he does like to get into everyone's stuff and he can sniff out candy like nobody's business, you can hide nothing from him and he has a mind of his own and will do exactly what he wants (he is a red head!)...but we LOVE him!!!


Jenie said...

Looks like you've been a party girl lately! Happy late b-day to both your kids! Looks like fun parties!

Remember Jessica and Abby having parties together? I need to get you a copy of some of the dress up days with them. They were sooo little! Time flies

Unknown said...

Gotta love Kyler looking everywhere except at the camara.

Rachel said...

I see that he is still wearing his Pirate reminds me of Josh and his Skeleton costume.

Spencer and Emily Nelson family said...

Happy Birthday Kyler! We wish we could have been there to celebrate.

Natalie said...

I can't believe how fast your kids are growing. Love all that red hair!