Saturday, March 14, 2009

Zeth is Back in the Game!!

Zeth's hand is healed and he sucked a little weight and got down to 92 pounds. Last week he went and challenged the JV and the Varsity guys on his team and worked his way back to Varsity. He had two really good matches last week. I have put a clip of one of his matches here...enjoy! He was challenged on Friday for his Varsity position but was able to hold on to it. So this next week he will wrestle Varsity. They will have one more week after and then the tournaments start up. I will keep you posted! Good luck Zeth, you are doing great!

Zeth's Eagle Court of Honor

Zeth's Eagle Court was on Saturday February 28th. Zeth's goal was to receive his Eagle Scout award before he turned 14...and he made it! He has worked hard for a long time. When Zeth was five years old he went up to scout camp with Russ for the entire week. I think after that he knew that he loved scouting. Russ was scout master for seven years after scouting became a pretty important thing in our family. Zeth has always had a love for scouting and tried very hard to never miss anything. I am excited that he was able to work hard and dedicate himself so that he could achieve this awesome award. Thank you to everyone that has influenced Zeth one way or another.

Zeth asked me who I thought he should give the Mentor pin to. I asked him who had influenced him the most when it came to scouting and he said, "My Dad". I said that well that is who you give the pin to then. Zeth and Russ are a great team together.

Major Clark Olsen came from the Mormon Battalion and talked about the importance they had and how much they helped the Church at that time. He also explained that Eagle Scouts have a great influence on others too. It was neat for him to be there.
The Eagle's Nest.