Friday, July 11, 2008

Our trip to PHILMONT!!!!

We just took one of the the greatest family trip ever! It was down at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. They have LDS week down there where the General Young Men's Presidency and Primary Presidency come down and train the stake leaders. While Russ was in training the kids went to "class" with their age groups and were able to do a lot of fun things like hike, ride ponies, crafts, play games and more. So while the kids were off being busy I was able to pick and choose what I wanted to do. They had special "women's meetings", hikes, tours and the COPE course available to choose from...or if I wanted I could just sit back at the tent and relax. They made all the meals so I didn't have to cook or clean up once while I was down was a little piece of heaven. The food was actually pretty good...the kids especially loved the salad bar and the pick of the drinks! We were down there from Saturday until Friday...when it was time to come home the kids were so sad. Kyler had so much fun living in the outdoors...he didn't want it to end! Here are some pictures of our trip, but I sure wish that I could let you feel the "Spirit of Philmont" it was incredible!!!! The kids keep asking when we can go again.
This was our tent. We had a "Girl's Tent" and a "Boy's Tent" was pretty nice...wooden floors and electricity.

This was "Western Night" where we were suppose to dress up like cowboys...they had a big barbeque on the main grass and then they played some games, and had a western dance...gotta love that watermelon.


Unknown said...

Kyler had to take my hat so he could have what looked kind of like a cowboy hat. :)

Jenie said...

I love it! What a neat thing to be able to do.

Latessa said...

sounds like you guys had a great time. The pictures are awesome.

Melinda said...

What a neat experience! Wasn't NM hot? I told Denny to look into that next year, but that could be bad timing with missionary schedules =)

Amy said...

Looks like it ended up being a blast. It is always nice when the family vacation goes so well...especially when you get a little "mom duty" vacation too!1

Spencer and Emily Nelson family said...

Oh, I bet you really enjoed the week, the kids too. I bet my kids would love that. What a nice tent! I could camp like that!

Allison said...

That looks like it was so fun. Love the flag! I am glad you had a good time.

Rachel said...

What a fun vacation...I'm sure you and your kids will remember this for a long time. Family vacations are what I remember most about my childhood. My family went on one every single year. Good memories!!!

Natalie said...

Wow - that sounds like a really great time! I heard all about that when we went to "Little Philmont" - glad you had a great time - and how fun for the kids!